Recruitment Terms & Definitions

What is an active candidate?

An active candidate is an individual who is actively engaged in searching for new job opportunities and pursuing employment opportunities proactively. Unlike passive candidates who may not be actively seeking new roles, active candidates are actively exploring job postings, networking with recruiters and professionals in their industry, attending job fairs and networking events, and applying to job openings. Active candidates may be motivated to find a new job for various reasons, such as career advancement, better compensation or benefits, dissatisfaction with their current role or company, or a desire for a change in work environment. They are typically more responsive and eager to participate in the recruitment process compared to passive candidates.

What is an active job seeker?

An active job seeker is an individual who is actively looking for new employment opportunities and is actively engaged in the job search process. This includes actively searching for job openings, submitting job applications, networking with recruiters and professionals in their industry, attending job fairs and networking events, and actively pursuing opportunities to advance their career. Active job seekers may be motivated to find a new job for various reasons, such as career advancement, better compensation or benefits, dissatisfaction with their current role or company, or a desire for a change in work environment. They are actively seeking out and pursuing opportunities to secure new employment.

What are the three types of job seekers?

  1. Active job seekers: These individuals are actively looking for new employment opportunities and are actively engaged in the job search process. They actively search for job openings, submit applications, attend job fairs and networking events, and actively pursue opportunities to advance their careers.
  2. Passive job seekers: Passive job seekers are individuals who are currently employed and not actively seeking new job opportunities but may be open to considering them if presented with the right offer. They may come across job postings opportunistically and decide to submit applications if the role aligns with their skills and interests.

Semi-active job seekers: Semi-active job seekers fall somewhere between active and passive job seekers. They may be casually exploring new opportunities or keeping an eye out for interesting job postings, but they are not actively engaged in a dedicated job search. Semi-active job seekers may be open to considering new opportunities but are not actively pursuing them as their top priority.

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