Recruitment Terms & Definitions

What is a job applicant?

A job applicant is an individual who applies for a specific job opening within an organization by submitting their resume, completing an application form, or participating in an interview process. Job applicants express interest in the position and typically provide information about their qualifications, skills, experiences, and suitability for the role. Employers evaluate job applicants to determine their suitability for the position based on predetermined criteria and job requirements.

What is the difference between an applicant and a candidate?

The difference between an applicant and a candidate lies in their stage within the recruitment process:

  1. Applicant: An applicant is an individual who has expressed interest in a specific job opening by submitting an application, which typically includes a resume, cover letter, or completed application form. At this stage, the individual is seeking consideration for the position but has not yet progressed to further stages of evaluation or selection.
  2. Candidate: A candidate, on the other hand, is an individual who has progressed beyond the initial application stage and is actively being considered for the job role. Candidates have typically undergone additional assessments, such as interviews, assessments, or reference checks, and are deemed qualified for the position based on their skills, experiences, and suitability for the role.

In summary, an applicant is someone who has applied for a job, while a candidate is someone who has advanced in the recruitment process and is actively being considered for the position.

What does it mean to qualify as a candidate?

To qualify as a candidate means that an individual has met the initial criteria set forth by the employer or recruiter and has progressed beyond the initial application stage in the recruitment process. Qualifying as a candidate typically involves meeting the minimum qualifications and requirements outlined in the job posting, such as relevant education, experience, skills, and certifications.

Once an individual qualifies as a candidate, they may undergo additional assessments, such as interviews, assessments, or reference checks, to further evaluate their suitability for the job role. Qualifying as a candidate indicates that the individual has demonstrated the potential to meet the needs of the organization and is being considered for the position based on their qualifications and fit for the role.

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