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Write the Emails You Need in No Time With Boostpoint Create.AI
The reason you said yes to recruitment is the people. Then you find yourself writing emails all day and connecting less with candidates. Now, imagine …
6 Essential Automation Strategies for High-Volume Hiring
Balancing the need to fill positions quickly with the need to find qualified candidates can be a struggle, leading to potential compromises in candidate quality. ...
How You Can Benefit from AI in Recruitment
As AI for recruitment becomes ubiquitous and the recruitment industry grows more competitive, it is imperative for TA professionals to adopt this innovative technology to ...
Fallen Off Your Recruitment Goals Already? Follow These Tips to Get Back on Track
Last month you made resolutions to smash 2023: Let’s do it even better this year and attract quality candidates like never before. So how are ...
How Social Media Can Humanize Your Candidate Experience
Can’t find qualified candidates? Your hiring process might lack the human touch. As a result of the big shift in employee attitudes, humanizing the candidate ...
Have You Texted Them? Boostpoint’s Innovative Text Message Recruiting Solution for Talent Acquisition Teams
Today, text messaging is the most effective way for recruiters to follow up on leads. People like getting text messages for short and important communication ...