Last updated on May 27, 2024

Keeping teams together in the current employment crisis imposes a heavy burden on HR leaders. As U.S. vacancies hit record high due to COVID-19 worker shortages, recruiting managers feel the strain of workload and lack of finding candidates. Owning the most time-sensitive responsibilities in the company, 90% of them are experiencing a high level of stress. And most of them feel they can’t take a break from supporting employees and filling out job openings. So, it is not surprising that HR is burning out.

If the signs below apply to you, it’s likely that you’re on the path to mental exhaustion too.

Symptoms of HR burnout:

  • rapid changes in mood
  • irritability and unusual sensitivity
  • feeling unmotivated and hopeless
  • an increased level of isolation
  • experiencing compassion fatigue
  • general disengagement
  • finding it hard to concentrate

Burnout takes place over a prolonged period of time, so overcoming it may prove difficult. Let’s dive into how you can prevent HR burnout before it’s too late.

Create a winning action plan

Having too much on your plate means you need a framework that will help you handle workload problems effectively.

An action plan can simplify your problem-solving of complex tasks, so you’ll be able to get more done and stay focused.

Create an effective action plan about how you’ll complete your projects. Here is how to write one in 3 easy steps:

1. Identify objectives

Business objectives are the core of every work project, so being conscious about them is a key to success.

Understand the overall target first, then examine your tasks from multiple perspectives. Set your end goals and make sure you own everything necessary to achieve your objectives.

2. Prioritize Work

Accurately prioritizing to dos at work is one of the most significant responsibilities for HR managers.

Once you have your objectives identified, make a list of all your tasks. Next, determine the urgency and importance of your tasks, and separate your must-dos and low-priority duties. Then make a prioritized list for the day, and from then on, work on your most important tasks. And what to do with your secondary tasks? Talk to your team about their availability and delegate the tasks when possible, or ask for permission to postpone.

3. Measure efficiency

To be able to control your workflows and gain a sense of accomplishment, you need to know whether your inputs are right. So, it is necessary to assess the quality of your work yourself, consider your milestones and look at your budget. Revise them every day and modify your action plan where productivity falls short.

Set boundaries

If you’re always behind on work and struggling to manage your schedule at the office, it’s time to establish limits. Saying no to your supervisor can be difficult, but eventually, the stress of saying yes to every ASAP request can make you feel out of control.

So, how can you work smarter to increase your productivity?

Stick to your timetable. Establish a healthy work-life balance by getting in early and leaving on time.

Don’t check work emails after your shift is over. Have quality time at home and try to recharge 

your batteries without worrying about tomorrow’s tasks.

And when your boss wants you to execute something unexpected on a moment’s notice, ask him or her whether this new task has a higher priority than others and strive to follow the original plan.

Embrace self-care

To help your company, you need to have a good relationship with yourself first.

Support your health with a balanced diet, sufficient exercise, and good sleep habits. Choose food that boosts your energy and supports your immunity. Take breaks and refresh your mind and move your body a little. Build exercise into your daily routine to reduce stress and improve your brainpower.

In stressful times, it is paramount to learn how to calm your mind. Try new meditation techniques to release anxiety. Find the best way to relax and focus on yourself. Clear your desk and make space for fresh ideas. And if you feel frustrated, talk with someone you’re close to, or start journaling and write down your thoughts to understand your feelings clearly. You can only tackle your problems if you have the root cause.

Boost your productivity with technology

An average adult at work spends 3.1 hours a day reading and replying to emails. This is one-third of your workday. Luckily, with HR management, scheduling, and conference call tools, you can accelerate delivering results.

Recruit management systems can speed up your workflows and increase your daily output in the hiring process. Efficient hiring software like Boostpoint can lift the burden of finding the right candidates and managing incoming applicants off your shoulders.

As a HR professional, you deserve huge respect for taking care of your teams in such a hard period. Your wellbeing matters. By organizing your workload better, setting limits, and nurturing your well-being, you can avoid burnout and enjoy a harmonious working time.

Wrap Up

In the midst of today’s employment challenges, HR leaders are facing overwhelming stress and burnout. To overcome this, it’s crucial to craft a powerful action plan, set boundaries that prioritize well-being, and embrace self-care practices. But with technology by your side, you can navigate these turbulent times with strength and vitality. You’ve got this!

Adrienn Herendi

Adrienn is a Content Strategist at Boostpoint, leveraging her extensive experience in writing for the recruitment industry. With her passion for crafting unique, engaging and informative content, she is on a mission to build a community where Talent Acquisition teams thrive and succeed.

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